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About the Project NEEBSE- Nigerian- Eastern Europe Business Summit Expo 2020.

The Nigerian-Eastern
Europe Business Sum-
mit & Expo – SKOP-
JE, North Macedonia
2020, is conceived
to galvanize mutu-
ally benefiting trade
and investment ties
between Nigeria and
the Balkan States.

NEEBSE is a four (4)
Day business event
and expositions that
will open up trade and
investment opportuni-
ties for Nigerian busi-
nessmen and their
counterparts from
the Balkan States of
Croatia; Bosnia and
Herzegovina; Slove-
nia; Serbia; Monte-
negro; Kosovo; Mac-
edonia; Romania;
Bulgaria; Albania;
Greece; and, Turkey.
Major investors from
these countries are
looking at the op-
portunities present-
ed by the Nigerian
population and are
looking forward to
closing deals with Ni-
looking forward to
closing deals with Ni-
gerian businessmen
in the areas of pro-
ductive partnerships;
strategic business
collaborations; and,
endorsement deals.
The Nigerian-East-
ern Europe Busi-
ness Summit & Expo
in North Macedo-
nia September 2020, has been
created to establish
mutually beneficial
trade and investment
ties between Nige-
ria and the Balkan
states , supported
by Black Swan inno-
vations AS Group.

There will be a Funding Workshop and
Access to investment funding for viable On-going Business projects for which One Billion Euros
(€1,000,000,000.00) Open Line of Credit has been made available.

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