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Australian Academy School Faces Eviction for Occupying Abuja Property Illegally.


In what looks like game up for the clandestine moves of owner of Australian Academy School, Abuja and its lawyer, one C.S Ebonugwo & Co., the new owner of the property located in Gwanrinpa Estate area of Abuja,

Metro and Castle Ltd. is set to officially take possession after two separate letters were written to the school to vacate the premises without a response.

The Australian Academy School had in 2017 entered into an agreement with the former landlord, Engr. John Ayodele for a one year occupancy and, possible, an extension of two years if the tenant respected the agreement. After paying for one year and also paid for 60% of the second year, Australian Academy School has failed to pay further rent and had reneged on all agreements signed with the landlord.

In 2021, the school, after failing to pay rent for three years, was given a quit notice, but instead of making arrangements to pay its arrears the school management went ahead to build a new structure within the premises in defiance of the agreement signed with the landlord. 

According to information at our disposal, the landlord then sought the court's help to eject the school. The court then ruled that the outstanding payment be remitted and the school could settle with it's landlord.  But the management of the Australian Academy, rather than paying, claimed that it wasn't properly served the quit notice. However, the High Court judge in his wisdom, advised the school to meet with the landlord to discuss terms of payment of its arrears and settle amicably with the owner of the property.

The school, however, snubbed the judge's advice and decided to appeal the ruling on a frivolous basis that it wasn't properly served, all in a bid to continue buying time and occupying the property for free. 

The landlord, a retired engineer, we gathered, has sold the property to another company, Metro and Castle, with all legal and official documents handed over to the new owner. And the new owner, a real estate company, has served the tenant, Australian Academy, two different notices to vacate the structure, that they intend to take possession and begin renovations of the property. 

Shockingly, the lawyer to the Australian Academy, C. S Ebonugwo, filed another frivolous suit against the new owner, along with Engr Ayodele in Abuja, claiming that the vacation notice served the school by the new owner is causing it pains.

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